Is your future really up to you? Or is it structured and defined by your success in current online trends. Are you really presenting your real self to the virtual reality? Or simply presenting a version of yourself which may not be altruistic, yet defines your success in life.
Digital Destiny is an exhibition which blurs lines between photography and 3D animation to create imaging masterpieces. Woods’ set out to create the series after being commissioned by MUSA international art space for two pieces inspired by our future. The series posits questions and answers about our digital footprint and its correlation with our present and future lives. How does the idea of online success manipulate our current person? What impact does this have on who we become? On the opportunities that present themselves? Or in some cases, the opportunities that don’t? Inspired after a positive reception and further overseas commissioning, he’s set out to fill a full solo exhibit in Melbourne at No Vacancy.
This is a free exhibition, but donation tickets are available if you would like to contribute to the artist.

Support the artist by buying merchandise from Digital Destiny